Roof Garden
Daniella Lima Smyth

ARC 255

ARC 255
Defining Spaces with Planes
Single vertical, L-shaped, parallel, U-shaped planes are planes projected in this work. The project III reminds me of a QR code or a maze. It became a real puzzle after twelve hours of work figuring out configurations. Time management was my biggest concern on this project, and, I broke a record of timing. Total time: 20 hours.
On project III – Defining spaces with vertical spaces - we identify void, mass and solid perception, the addictive and subtractive, and economy of elements to make a bright space with the integration of areas and its relationships like abutting rooms. In addition to studying spaces, it is essential to know the definition of it, which is the dimensions of height, depth, and width within all things exist and move.
Also, implied spaces are created depending on the number of planes and their configuration, for example, adding a third or fourth element. A 3D coordinate space is a point and a vector that is perpendicular to the plane.
Farmingdale State College
ARC 255
E. Kwak
February 2019